Dogecoin Creator Criticizes Mozilla for Environmental Stance on Crypto

Ever since cryptocurrencies began taking the center of attention, the fusillade of allegations never seems to be stopping. Just as some of the world countries are sincere enough to portray cryptocurrencies as a danger to the world economy, another issue has promptly followed it.

Mozilla, the nonprofit organization that designed the firefox browser, has raised concerns regarding the environmental impacts of cryptocurrencies. Jamie Zawinsky, one of the co-founders of Mozilla, expressed their guilt for having been involved with projects with such environmental impacts. Following the statement, Mozilla promptly shut all crypto-based activities it had been allowing so far. The chain reaction to this incident had its results even in crypto communities, with more people trying to give replies to this allegation.

Billy Markus from Dogecoin has taken a defensive stance against the, rather attacking, statement from Mozilla. Markus referred to this tweet as ‘reactionary’ that conveniently ignores the environmental issues surrounding paper money and the federal banking infrastructures. Moreover, the argument slammed the 

prioritizing first-world mentalities against the basic banking structures that developing countries have been provided with through cryptocurrencies. Last year, Markus revealed that he had finally bought back into Dogecoin. This came after his eight years hiatus from digital currencies. Click here if you’d like to know more about Doge predictions.

The facts about cryptocurrencies leaving larger carbon footprints are undeniably true as the proof of work mechanism needs humongous energy to work. Bitcoin is the primary accused that contributes to a larger portion of these carbon footprints. Reportedly, Bitcoins need around 120 terawatts of energy per year. Yet, Ethereum, the so-called digitized blockchain, is not so far behind, with approximately 107 terawatts of power consumption per year. The amount of energy consumed for mining and other operations equals the, if not exceeding, power consumption of many world countries.

A Cambridge University survey on crypto power consumption claims that only about 39% of the entire Bitcoin network runs on sustainable energy sources. The remainder of the network depends on fossil fuels, coal, and other non-renewable resources. The level of carbon footprints is based on where the energy sources originate from. However, the carbon footprints through this energy consumption are equal to that of 9.3 million households or the burning of around 57 billion pounds of coal or to driving 130 billion miles in a car.

So, getting defensive over a truth makes one actually guilty of the charge, no matter how noble the cause may be. It is high time cryptocurrencies moved towards sustainable energy if the industry expects to thrive in the years to come and to stop such allegations in the future. As many new crypto projects like SafeMoon focus their goal towards sustainable energy for crypto mining, we can be hopeful of a better infrastructure with fewer carbon footprints.

Bradly Luna: Bradly Luna immersed in finance journalism for almost 5 years. He recently joined our team as a news reporter covering governmental events related to business and finance. He has working for multiple news websites before joining us. When he’s off-duty, he loves to ride on his bike.